So today was a pretty amazing day for me. Thanks to Shawn O’Sullivan, I received my sati sat ring in the mail yesterday. I was told to be sure to give $11 to a charity and start wearing it on Sat. Ok…so my intention today was all about service and doing puja and getting white roses and finding that charity…and also being grateful with a bring it on, let thy will be done attitude. It was the perfect day as it stormed and flooded continuously. On my way to fresh market for the roses and organic fruits, I saw this street lady who walks everywhere in the Grove. She is very hunched over and wheels her cart full of stuff everywhere…my friend Jeannine said she’s been doing that here forever. I decided after I turned into the market that I would look for her when I left. The rain had mostly stopped on my way in but by the time I came out it was pouring again. I had bought her some bread and cheese and had my $11 ready. Then I went searching. I drove all thru the Grove and then back again. I just kept having the intention to find her. Then I saw her under a deserted bldg. by the water. I figured out how to drive over to her just as she was starting to move on again. I called to her…excuse me ma’am, I have something for you. She came over to my car and I gave her the food and the $ and then another $20… It seemed so small to me.. But here’s the amazing part. She looked right at me with crystal clear eyes and graciously but matter of factly said thank you. I looked at her and folded my hands in namaste form and smiled. She went on her way and I drove out in a different direction and melted into a puddle of tears…not of sorrow but from the incredible blessing I had just received.